1 High Road Ewall Bree
1 Highstreet - Burrstow - Bree Homesteads
1 Highstreet / Hochstrasse 1
5 Long Street - Bowing - Bree Homesteads
5 long street - Caldrill - Bree
5 Long Street - Cladinch - Breeland
5 Long Street / Crickwent / Bree Homesteads
5 Long Street-Henstead-Bree Homesteads
5 Longstreet Crickwent-Breeland
5 Waterbank Road - Lant Veren - Falathlorn Homesteads
5 Waterbank Road Gilithlin Falathlorn Homestead
8 Haven Way
8 long street - bronhaven
9 Chesnut Street Arrowfold Breeland Homestead
9 Chestnut Middleham Breeland Homestead
9 Chestnut Street Folkburn Bree-Land Homestead
9 Kastanienstrasse Folkbrunn Breeland Siedlung
9 rue des Chataigniers Peuplines Bree
Abodes of Erebor - Songskali - 4 Oakenshield Way
Adobes of Erebor - Songskali - 4 Oakenshield Way
Amon Raith in the North Downs
Arrowdell neighborhood ... 4 Colt Road
Arrowdell neighborhood ...8 Colt Road
Bag End hill - Hobbiton - The Shire
Belfalas - Ruinfalas - 1 Windy Lane
Belfalas Cap on Tol Falthuil Island
Blue Theatre - Minas Tirith
Bree - In Gate (29.6S-51.8W))
Bree - Prancing Pony
Bree - ruins above Pony Square
Bree Boar Fountain
Bree Boar Stage - Scholars Walk
Bree East Gate
Bree Festival Grounds
Bree Homesteads
Bree Homesteads - Bronhaven - 8 Long street
Bree Jails
Bree Jasmine's Garden
Bree outside Lalia's
Bree Park
Bree Prancing Pony Courtyard
Bree Prancing Pony Rock
Bree Prancing Pony Square
Bree Prancing Pony Stables
Bree Prancing Pony Stage
Bree Prencing Pony Stables
Bree Scholar Hall
Bree Town Hall
Bree Town Lore Hall on the Scholar's Stair
Bree Towne (Mud Gate)
Bree West Gates
Bree-Homestead / Breelandsiedlung
Bree-land - Greenway Crossing (29.5S/53.3W)
Bree-Land Homestead Folkburn
Bree, Auction House
Bree, Festival Grounds Stage
Bree, Market Square
Bree, Park
Bree, Pierson's Farm
Bree, Prancing Pony Stables
Bree, Prancing Pony Stone
Bree, South Gates
Bree, West Stables
Breeland Graveyard (26.3S/52.4W)
Buckland Crickhollow Frodo's House
Cape of Belfalas
Celondim - Eilian's Watch (28.6S/92.0W)
Celondim [29.4S 92.7W]
Celondim Pavilion [29.2S/92.6W]
da Bugans Kinhouse 2 Chalk Road Stooping Shire Homesteads
Duillond - Tham Gelair (27.5S/94.4W)
Eastern Bree Fields - Abandoned Ruins (26.1S/49.8W)
Edhelion Watch
Eldar Monument, Michel Delving, The Shire
Erebor - Taufgrun - 4 Oakenshield Way
Ered Luin
Ered Luin - Falthlorn (29.3S/92.6W)
Erym Gellam
Falathlorn - Lant Veren
Falathlorn homesteads
Falathlorn homesteads - Cerin Aewin - 5 Waterbank Road
Falathlorn homesteads - Sirith Chim - 8 Haven Way
Falathorn - Ael Remmen - 5 Waterbank
Farmers Faire
Folkburn / Folkbrunn
frozen pond northeast of Frerin's Court at Thorin's Hall
Girdley Island (between Shire and Bree) [28.3S, 63.3W]
Green Dragon Inn, Hobbiton Bywater, The Shire
Greenfields, The Shire
House of Elrond Rivendell
Imladris - The Last Homely House east porch
Imladris Spire of Meeting
in a cave by the river
Inside the Greenhouse at Thorin's gate
Lake Shore south of Bree Skirmish Camp
Lone Lands
Lone-lands - Weathertop (31.2S/36.9W)
Long Street, Salcrest, Breeland Homestead
Lyndelby - Danbod - Highlaw Lane
Lyndelby - Frambo - 2 Glenmouth Pass
Lyndelby - Pulmurry - 2 Broadmead Lane
Mar Vanwa Tyalieva Kinhall
Michel Delving
Minas Tirith - Blue Theatre
near the Brandywine Bridge (Shire side)
near The Frostbluff Theatre
Near the Haunted Burrow
Oldfurlong / Altfurch / Longuevieille
Oldstone Ruins
Ost Guruth
Pond in Staddle
Prancing Pony Inn, Bree
Prancing Pony Stage
Prancing Pony Stage, Bree
Refuge of Edhelion (14
Rivendell Lake Hidhuinen (28.9S/4.7W)
Rohan - Eastfold
Rohan - Kingstead Meadows
Scary in the Shire
Scholars Stairs square, Bree
See event description
Shire Homesteads - Addernotch
Shire Homesteads - Downfurrow
Shire Weedhallow Harrow Road 5
Southern Barrow-downs (37.0S/54.8W)
Spire of Meeting Rivendell
Staddel (31.2S/49.4W)
Stadel Pond (31.2S/49.4W)
stage on Twinfall Path, Gúndalaf neighbourhood, Falathlorn homesteads
Stocktower, The Shire
The Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving
The Great Hall, Thorin's Hall, Ered Luin
The Hill - Hobbiton - The Shire
The Marish
The Market Stalls, Michel Delving Square
The Rock across from Stable
The Shire
Hobbiton The Shire
Ivy Bush Inn
Party Tree
The Shire - Bartunnel - 2 Chalk Road
The Shire - Brandywine bridge
The Shire - Brokenborings
The Shire - Bywater - Three Farthing Rock
The Shire - Bywater Pool
The Shire - Methel Stage
The Shire - Michel Delving - South Field (35.0S/75.0W)
The Shire - Woodhall
The Shire / Party Tree
The Shire Homesteads - Cropfurrows
The Shire Sandson's Farm
The small park just outside the jail
The Spire of Meeting - Rivendell valley
Thorin's Gate
Thorin's Gate - The Arming Cave (14.2S/104.5W)
Thorin's Gate - The Berghold (15.7S - 102.5W)
Thorin's Gate 14.6S 103.6W
Thorin's Gate Frerin Court
Thorin's Gate Frozen pond
Thorin's Hall
Thorin's Hall Homesteads
Thorin's Hall homesteads - Kathamar - Roaring Road 5
Thorin's Hall Homesteads - Mekirhyl - Roaring Road 5 - inside the kin house
Thorin's Hall Homesteads - Vendom - 5 Roaring Road
Thorin’s gate
Thorins Hall
Tinnundir on Evendim
Tol Falthui Island
Tol Falthui Island - Raenglad
Tom Bombadil's House
upstairs in the Mathom House - Michel Delving - The Shire
Varies, ask in channel alesandtales for location
Website (see description)
Weedhallow Shires homesteads
Yondershire - Tighfield
Yondershire - Tighfield Farm
Youtube channel