All elves, dwarves, hobbits, men, women and beornings: Come listen and admire our special edition of the incredible music by Zappa. It’s the amazing band The White Flames playing on Bree stage on Thursday the 21th of December. This is definitely a unique opportunity to listen to unique music. Don’t miss it!
The concert on the Laurelin Archives http://laurelinarchives.org/node/44746
OOC details:
(( Frank Zappa is one of the most productive composers of times, and some of us were lucky enough to be able to see him and the best band you never heard on stage. He composed all kinds of music from cheesy butter pop, rock, jazz, reggae and blues, to tango, orchestral music, film music as well as experimental music and sounds, among many other styles in a span of more than 30 very active years as a musician. Humour was always included in his music, and very often his lyrics had a political message – but always in a humoristic way. During his lifetime he released 62 albums, of which most of them double or triple albums. Between 1994 and 2014, the Zappa Family Trust has released 37 posthumous albums, making for a total of 99 albums.
Trincia in Order of the White Flame has edited 30 of Zappa’s best songs (excluding hundreds of other great songs) for ABC music. ABC is not the best suitable format for music like Zappa’s, so most of the songs performed on the concert “The White Flames plays Zappa” had to be edited by hand in the ABC scripts. The concert is a result of reworking and hand scripting for more than a year in several of the songs.
If you love Zappa’s music you won’t be disappointed. If you dislike Zappa but love Lotro and the music played there, you will probably have a great time anyway. If you have never heard about Zappa, please come and listen to something that is different than most other music played.
The White Flames is a band with members from [[Order of the White Flame]], a mixed kinship which is active and open to all kinds of activities. The White Flames play songs only arranged by kinship members. Known music makers in The White Flames are Aifel, Trincia, Finsamidor and Stuckfast, besides several other members. On the “The White Flames celebrate Frank Zappa” concert we will play songs arranged for 11 instruments by Trincia.