Hiya ta my regular friends
and Sweet Melons ta my tall friends
and a big HOOM HOOM ta my really tall friends
( Gandalf taut me sum Entish cause I figure sum of them ents mite come ta see the Willows )
First I’d like ta take a lil time ta say “thanks bunches” ta all the wonderful bands of last season …
Also a very special thanks ta all the miraculous musicians & the limitless lushness of the lyricists who joined us in Oldfurlong last May fer an excitin Eighth Forest of OAKS …
And I can never fergit all of ya dear wonderful folks in the audience ….I truly cherish yer friendship and I thank ya most sincerely fer yer support fer the OAKS …
Now …welcome back ta Oldfurlong!
Welcome back ta the Oldfurlong Amazin Koncert Series!
Fer now it be time ta start a new season of OAKS …wit the phenomenal talents known as The Great Willow Blues Band!!!
On saturday September 17th the Great Willow Blues Band will be celebratin their Third Anniversary!!!
Yup, that’s correct …they came ta play under the trees of Laurelin three years ago.
I’m sure many, many of us are thrilled that they are now part of our musical family.
Personally I am very happy ta say that Irenella, the leader of the band, is a mighty good friend of mine that I hold in great esteem.
Also, her music be sum of the finest in all of Middle Earth.
What!?! Ya never herd her band??
OOOhh I misunderstood…ya be sayin ya wants ta hear her band agin?
Then ya gotta come ta the OAKS fer what will be an outstandin concert ..I know fer certain!
~whispers~ Not only is this gonna be an awesum concert & a 3rd Anniversary Celebration …
~winks~ just atween us there mite be a surprise …or two….or even three!!!
happy hobbity hugs fer all,