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Pumpkin Jam VIII, Brandywine

The Minstrel Guild of Bree


Pumpkin Jam VIII

Music and Costume Constest

Saturday, October 26th
From 01.45pm to 09.15pm
Bree, Festival Grounds Stage
Brandywine server

  • 01.45pm * The Rakes of Kilkarill
  • 02.30pm * Dominion of The North
  • 03.15pm * The Gallic Frogs Band
  • 04.00pm * Runic Knights Orchestra
  • 04.45pm * Mally the Storyteller / Costume Contest
  • 05.30pm * The Country Bluegrass Band
  • 06.15pm * Roses & Thorns
  • 07.00pm * GoblinFyre
  • 07.45pm * The Mighty Roarers
  • 08.30pm * Slammer Time
  • 09.15pm * Dragon Forge