Landroval Music Community
Placo’s 24 Hour Round Robin
From Wednesday, December 7th
to Thursday, December 8th
Bree, Prancing Pony Stables
Landroval server
.If you would like to be a part of the planning process, have questions, or would like to share ideas,
send Zacandil a tell or in game mail
You are all invited to be a part of, or attend, a 24hr round robin*, between 6pm Wednesday, December 7th and 6pm Thursday, December 8th at the Prancing Pony square in Bree.
Placo (aka Toklyman) was important to many, and an integral member of the music community on Landroval. This Round Robin is to honor, celebrate, and remember his legacy and that of the many beloved friends who have sailed into the West.
All are welcomed to participate whether you be a band of any size, a soloist, a speechmaker** or storyteller**. It does not matter if you are brand new or have been here for 15 years. It doesn’t matter how long you stay in the circle. Nor does it matter if you were affected or not by the loss of a dear one here. We want to hear you.If you would like to be a part of the planning process, have questions, or would like to share ideas, send Zacandil a tell or in game mail.Be mindful that some people will only be available to perform during the evening hours of the Round Robin. If you can perform at other times, it would be appreciated.
*a round robin is a group of people taking turns playing a song or telling a story.
**Stories and speeches are very much welcomed. It is best, but not required, to have a preplanned one if it is lengthy. And also best to use the plug-in Poetical or Lyrical for timing purposes. (Do keep in mind that others may be waiting, so please limit stories to about 5 minutes per turn if needed.)