I surely hope y’all had a chance ta see at least part of the wonderful February OAKS ….
Such a truly awesum band and a mighty fine leader who writes charming lyrics.
He began the evenin wit a luvly song about the beginnin of an “ordinary” love story on “a saturday night at OAKS” hehe
All the music of the Daft Pigs was utterly charmin whether it leans toward sweet & sentimental or a lively jig….
Master Blacks’s voice was as one lass said….magnifique ….no matter what he is singin.
As another lass said ..”a wonderful time was had by all.”
Thanks ta all of the Daft Pigs fer bringin their marvelous music ta the OAKS 🙂
and thanks ta dear Miss Leddy & her ability ta draw real fast …here be a lil reminder of that evenin
….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvpCq9ISVLI
Here we are in the middle of March …and in the midst of them strong winds that come wit this month.Of course no one has ta fear this “storm” ~giggles~
cause this time them winds of March be blowin in a bunch of delicate, deliteful damsels known as the one & only ……
KapateK AnaHuac
Isnt this a luvly pic miss Yugun sent me of the band …
seems like they be playin music ta encourage these fellas ta dance ta warm up out there in the snow.
These luvly ladies no doubt brought smiles ta all these folks ….and will fer all of us when they play the OAKS!
Almost close enuff ta dance along wit the audience ….. oooh …which reminds me …
Miss Yugun has asked if she could come out & dance wit the audience …
she said they like ta be close ta their audience.
Of course I said ….”yes”
Now fer this OAKS, I’m gonna need everyone’s help …please ….
cause these be sum fragile females who get a wee bit nervous …so…..
Wood all of ya folks bring a mug of ale or beer, sum pipeweed, or a mushroom fer the band
…just ta help them get over bein almost two shy ta play?
Mischief seekin lads from Staddle snuck over ta Bree and turned all the clocks ahead an hour.
That means the OAKS will be at eight bells Shire time (8pm UK time) and 4pm in Bree ( servertime ) til folks get around ta settin the clocks backward
…or is that ahead??… all over Middle Earth.
WHAT!?! Sumone said this band was banned cause they broke their instruments while on stage and then set the stage on fire?? ~nah~
Fiercely wild non-ladies?? ~cant be ~
those are just silly rumors!
ya folks just come see fer yerselves …you’ll luv this concert, no doubt about that!
warm gentle hugs,