Hullo everyone!
On March 23 we will see the very first Laurelin Festival of Folk Music.
For the first edition we have invited the following bands:
- A Murder of Crows
- the Brandy Badgers
- Hooh & Whye
- the Little Wanderers
- the Purple Pipeweed Parlor Band
- Thorn and Roses
What a fine lineup! We’ve asked them to select from their repertoire what they consider Folk Music.
Let’s see what they’ll come up with!
Let’s see what they’ll come up with!
The Festival will be held at Methel Stage in Bywater. Please gather there at 19:00 ((UK time, 3pm servertime)). Let any spontaneous music played then, be in the spirit of the Festival: Folk Music!
Once we have you all together, the first band will play. NB the above list is NOT the order of play! Each band has been given 30 minutes on stage.
Of course we hope that you will appreciate the efforts to bring you a new kind of music festival ((on the Laurelin server)). Please let the organisers know if you do. They can then be persuaded, if not bribed *winks* , to bring you more editions. Later editions will give bands a chance to sign up, as this first edition was by invitation only.
So to summarize:
What: the first edition of the Laurelin Festival of Folk Music
Where: Methel Stage, near Hobbiton-Bywater, the Shire.
When: Saturday March 23, 19:00 ((UK time, 3pm servertime))
((N.B. 19:00 UK is usually 2pm servertime, but because of the, earlier than Europe, American Daylight Savings Time, it is 3pm servertime on March 23 ))