A new year has begun! But afore we move on …let us pause & remember the end of the old one
…remember the “present” of a magnificent magical musical play written by Lady Pandorradis of Belly Gear & translated beautifully by dear Kirgon Steelhammer
…thanks ta them as well as all of the awesum actors & the background band fer addin their beautiful music ta the story, “The Girl & her dog”
which told of a lil lass, her “grandpa”, a scarey bandit, two hired hunters ( not like hunters ya probably know..but really dangerous ones who cannot run very fast …thank goodness when they be chasin “grandpa”), a kind couple & of course her beloved Benny.
It all starts wit the lil lass on the street when she & benny just ran away from the orphanage …Then ….
but wait …Miss Leddy sent me sum drawings she made of the whole play. Ya folks can see fer yerself how the Wandering Musicians / Ziehenden Musikanten from far-off Belly Gear brought the spirit of Yule ta Oldfurlong.
This really brightened not only that day …even brightened the entire Yule …and many other folks thot it was wonderful/ wunderbar …so much fun that we in the audience kept askin fer another song …and then another
just in case ya wants ta see fer yerself …here ya go
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAgtXDIKEn4 …enjoy!
Hope ya folks all had a wonderful time at the many, many events so far this month …
wit them many trips ta FrostyBluff, makin snow-elufs, snowball fights wit friends, and wassailin ta assure a good harvest of apples this year.
and hope ya had fun stockin up fer winter over on the back of that great eagle, Landroval
time fer all of us ta take a break … relax …slow things down a wee bit ….
time ta kick off yer shoes & dance in the grass of the town square of Oldfurlong
time ta ….. Stay and have a cup of tea!
while listenin ta the wondrous eclectic music ( that means that they can play any genre of music and they do! truly amazin!!)
of my wonderful & very talented neighbours… the Purple Pipeweed Parlor Band!!
Come listen while ya sip yer tea ta the always awesum Purple Folks …
of course ya mite have ta set yer tea down fer a few when the music gets lively ~giggles~
warm happy hugs,
PS Future OAKS : February OAKS …Feb 27 March OAKS….March 27 April OAKS ….April 17 more info laters