I gots everyone a wonderful present!
…cause this Yule I’m givin y’all sum mighty special lanterns!
the Lanterns of Nimrodeliant!
Just like a regular lantern glows when it be lit……..
everybodee in this audience will be glowin wit the happiness of the season after partyin wit these fabulous five folks!
Just like a regular lantern brings warmth when ya stand near it…
this sensational band will make ya feel all warm inside and full of Yule time cheer….
Of course ya be warm cause ya wont be able ta stop dancin the nite away when ya hear them
Honestly folks I have herd the Lanterns play many different kinds of music …and they do so many different genres ( Papa taut me that word)
This is gonna be a truly awesum concert so make plans ta be there!
We are gonna have so much fun!! *cheers*
Please join me and my neighbors in the village of Oldfurlong in the Shire homesteads when we join this amazin band in an OAKS of “Snowy Tales” while we all bask in the glow of ………
the Lanterns of Nimrodeliant!