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“Skarn” is a geological term referring to a metamorphic stone in which many kinds of rock are fused together. Well, we happen to like many kinds of rock…hard rock, punk rock, folk rock, etc. So “Skarn” is both our name and our musical preference.

Our first concert focused on folk metal. Next one, a lot of ska punk. We want music that moves the feet. Our style is still evolving.

It is rather difficult to write much about the history of a band that has only been around for a few months. The origin was a dream Halgoreth had one night. In the dream, he was leading a band playing metal outside a barrow in Andrath while zombies roamed through the audience.

The weird thing about it was that he didn’t even know that the crypt actually existed. The next time he logged in, he went to look…and found it! Eerily similar to the one in the dream. After that, preparing the music and assembling a band to create the show from the dream became an obsession.

He has enlisted many of his good friends – all of them veterans of other active bands. Ladies Zarenwen, Laaleth and Minaraen regularly help out with song testing. Pelind, Pinoh, Drumthor and others have joined us for performances. 4-8 players plus enough alts for 5-12 musicians on stage.

Halgoreth is the transcriber and lyricist. The music comes from MIDIs, sheet music and a little bit of by-ear transcription. He performs some measure-level rearrangement & note-level rewriting on almost all the tunes, and occasionally composes new musical bits for them.


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