Here be Miss Leddy’s magick drawings as proof… https://youtu.be/71Inbg_GyxU
As sum of yer folks no already…this is the fifth year of the OAKS or the Oldfurlong Amazin Koncert Series…
But what ya may not no is that it has now been 5 years that very talented band Polnolunie has been t’gether
and 10 years since the Brotherhood of the Wolf, the kin from which the members of the band come, was formed.
what better way ta celebrate this than with their very best 30 songs from all them past 5 years?
the October OAKS 5! 10! 30! woohoo!
Polnolunie is composed of sum great folks that I am honoured ta be able ta say have been my friends fer a long time.
I have grown ta admire them more and more as time goes by….not just fer their truly amazin musical talent…
but also what wonderful folks they be & how much luv and kindness they show me and so many others in Middle Earth…
and how funny they can be *giggles*
Sumhow it didnt seem quite rite ta ask Polnolunie ta entertain us at their celebration….
ya see Polnolunie …and the Brotherhood of the Wolf…wanted ta enjoy celebratin this time ….so….
I had to find sum others ta play their music fer folks while they be drinkin and dancin wit the rest of us…
and I found the perfect band!
This band has folks that no all the songs of Polnolunie…
No all their lyrics…
And sing just like them..
Why …as remarkable as this may sound…they even LOOK just like Polnolunie!
The October OAKS will be under the….
Full Moon
Come join us in Oldfurlong Saturday October 6th at seven and a half bells when the awesum Full Moon will fill the Oldfurlong town square with the truly awesum music of Polnolunie (( Full Moon in Russian *winks* ))
Ya mite even see sum of Polnolunie join them on stage!
Warm hugs ta all,