You welcome to
Grand Charivari
on Sirannon
Friday March 3rd and Saturday March 4th, 2017
Ask for the details!
Friday March 3rd :
3pm : Carnival of Bree : Starting at West Bree Gates. Bring your disguises!
Satuday March 4th:
8am : Lysarosene on stage! (Bree Pony Stage)
8.45am : The Reverse Race (Tol Falthui, Tham Orbarad Homestead)
9.45am : The Accouphenes on stage in Gondor (Tol Falthui, Tham Orbarad Homestead)
10.30am : Indoors Game : Who it is ? (Tol Falthui, Tham Orbarad Homestead)
11.15am : Les Savoureuses Mélodies on stage
Noon : Enigma of Yesteryear. (Bree Homesteads, Comptoir du Renard d’Argent)
2pm : Musical Quizz with Les Companons d’Infortune, (Bree Homesteads, Comptoir du Renard d’Argent)
2.30pm : Ultimate Ale Contest. (Bree Homesteads, Comptoir du Renard d’Argent)
3pm : Les Hobbities on stage. (Bree Homesteads, Comptoir du Renard d’Argent)
4.30pm : Costumes Contest. (Bree Homesteads, Comptoir du Renard d’Argent)