The travelling variety show hosted by LMB!
Features music by the LMB House Band, Old Winyards, as well as various other sign-ups. Check the alesandtales user chat channel in game to find out where the show is being held or to contact stage managers to sign up.
Ales and Tales forum: http://lonelymountainband.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=1551858&gid=128176
Ales and Tales Sign-up Doc: tinyurl.com/atstagecrew
The Official LMB Playlist: http://lonelymountainband.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=10016130&gid=128176
Songboook Tutorial: http://tinyurl.com/songbooktut
Desktop Songbook Search Tool: http://www.usoutpost31.com/lasthomelyhobbit